Admin Panel

Modifying Crops

To modify a crop, use one of the controls under the "OPTIONS" section of the item's lore.

Left click changes the static XP amount Shift + Left click changes the minimum XP amount Shift + Right click changes the maximum XP amount Drop the item to toggle whether it drops XP orbs or adds XP directly CTRL + Drop the item to toggle if its enabled or not

Once you go to modify an XP amount, it will close the menu and ask you in chat to enter a number or type 'cancel' to return to the menu without modifying the amount.

Saving & Reloading

The 'Save & Reload' button will save all crop settings you've modified, even if you have closed the GUI. All crop settings are stored and saved upon reload or server stop.

Note: You don't need to click the button after finishing your changes.

Last updated