
This page goes over the config.yml and its options! View the plugin's default config.yml here.

Update Checker

Update-Check: false

Setting this option to true would make the plugin alert you in console (when the server starts) if there is an update!

Creative Mode

Allow-Creative: false

Setting this to true means the plugin will still award XP to players in Creative mode.

Command Settings

  name: harvestxp
    - harvestexp
    - xpharvest
    - expharvest

These are the options for the plugin's command. You may change the name and aliases of the command! If you don't want any aliases, simply make it look like the following:

  name: harvestxp
  aliases: []

You can change the command's name as well, but it must have a name.

Changing any command settings require a server restart to change!


  reload: harvestxp.reload
  crops: harvestxp.crops

These are the permissions to execute certain plugin commands, such as /harvestxp or /harvestxp panel

Each are configurable, if you remove a permission, it will act as if everyone has the permission for that command. You can use the same permissions for multiple commands as well.

World Blacklist

  - world1Name
  - world2Name

This option is different than the world blacklist option in crops.yml! In config.yml, any world in the world blacklist will apply to all crops! Any crop you harvest in a blacklisted world will not give any XP!

You can remove all worlds from the world blacklist, simply make it look like the following:

World-Blacklist: []

Last updated